saw this note tacked to a tree yesterday, and i couldn’t help but laugh. not at the subject of the note, of course, but just at the note itself. since i immediately felt really really bad after i chuckled, i decided to make up for it by posting the note here for all to see. here goes:
I FOUND A LOST DOG MAYBE IS: Labrador-shepaar mix or Rodsian ridgebach color blond but don't have Back line, in the area Argyle & Brodway. My fhone is: (xxx) xxx-xxxx. The dog I very friendly and young maybe is 1yr. Old. Call any time only Sunday & Thursday 8:00 to 9:00 AM. 8:00 to 10:00PM. The color dog is: Blond.
so if you lost this dog, let me know and i’ll send you this guy’s phone #. there, good deed done for the week. :)
i rode down to the lake today for the 45th annual chicago air and water show… packed as usual, but as always it was worth fighting the crowds! i took chicago ave down (turned out not to be too crowded), crossed under lake shore drive, and then made my way north to oak street beach, snapping a few pics along the way.
the real goal of today was to get some more “people” shots, though, not to check out the planes. that’s my weak area (ok, one of my many weak areas) when it comes to photography, mainly because i always feel weird taking someone’s picture in public. so i wanted to practice. having the 80-200 helped for sure, since i was able to get in on the action from a distance. (it also helped me get a couple nice plane shots, too) of course, i had to carry it, but the payoff is worth the added weight.
hopefully the weather will be as gorgeous tomorrow as it was today!
did you see this article about the “catastrophic hardware failure” that resulted in lost data for the D.C. police department? i know this happens all the time somewhere or other, but some of these quotes are just hilarious. of course, if it’d been me that got burned, i might not think it was all so funny:
Michael Schader, the Criminal Intelligence Information System's chief engineer, agrees that the system is "clumsy" and "extraordinarily difficult to use," often causing detectives to believe their work has been erased or lost. But Lopez said the Metropolitan Police Department plans to keep using the system. To ensure that there are no further hardware failures, he said, the department has replaced some parts, reconfigured the system and instituted regular checks. "It's the best document-case system that MPD has," Lopez said. "And it's definitely much better than what they used in the past." He was referring to paper files.
well at least it beats paper. rest easy, D.C… rest easy…
last weekend lori and i went to dall-ass tex-ass for the john mayer & counting crows concert. i mean, why go to tweeter to see the show when you can see it in dallas, right?!?! despite the crazy 95+ degree heat, we were able to wander around the city, snapping away with the digicams (mine start here, i’m not sure where lori’s are)… and even though dallas has some of the worst drivers i’ve ever seen, lori expertly maneuvered us in the rental. from deep ellum to lower greenville, i was starting to think i’d seen it all.
but then we got to dealey plaza, and everything i’d been missing was right before my eyes: the texas schoolbook depository, the grassy knoll, the big freakin X in the middle of the street. “um, is this it?” of course this is it, silly. right here on this very spot, this hallowed ground… this is where they filmed JFK!
but seriously, how unnerving is it to stand on the spot where a president was assassinated, even after more than 30 years have passed? very. i got a few photos (1, 2, 3) to serve as permanent reminders, but i don’t think anything can replace the feeling of just being there.