As I mentioned before, film captures the look of summer in a truly special way. As the cold sets in, here are a few last images of summer’s warmth, shot on 35mm Fuji Pro 400H… Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

As I mentioned before, film captures the look of summer in a truly special way. As the cold sets in, here are a few last images of summer’s warmth, shot on 35mm Fuji Pro 400H… Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
If you’d like to know how to make planning a destination wedding look easy, just ask Jenn.
With help from her family and Maid of Honor, Lori, Jenn put together an amazing week back home in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Thursday: Pub Crawl, including a tour of the Alexander Keith’s brewery. Friday: Peggy’s Cove tour followed by a seafood-packed rehearsal dinner. Saturday: An intimate ceremony at the Halifax Citadel, followed by a big party at Casino Nova Scotia. And all along the way: plenty of fun, photos, and Maritime hospitality…
Back in September (whew) Jeff and I spent the day shooting in Fulton Market. I shot film only, more specifically a mix of 35mm (Nikon N80), medium format (Contax 645), and Holga (cross-processed Kodak E1000VS)… I’m just now finally getting caught back up enough to post these, and I’ll have another post coming shortly explaining what I’ve been up to.
In any case, you can check out Jeff’s shots on his blog, and all of my shots from that day are up on Flickr.
So much for Apple’s lack of support for Flash in iOS being a disadvantage… Adobe today announced (in a blog post awesomely titled “Flash to Focus on PC Browsing and Mobile Apps; Adobe to More Aggressively Contribute to HTML5”) that they’re dropping Flash for mobile devices:
We will no longer continue to develop Flash Player in the browser to work with new mobile device configurations (chipset, browser, OS version, etc.) following the upcoming release of Flash Player 11.1 for Android and BlackBerry PlayBook.
As Gruber says:
Apple didn’t win. Everybody won. Flash hasn’t been superseded in mobile by any sort of Apple technology. It’s been superseded by truly open web technologies. Dumping Flash will make Android better, it will make BlackBerrys better, it will make the entire web better. iOS users have been benefitting from this ever since day one, in June 2007.
At least now the whining can finally stop. Buh. Bye.
Cormac McCarthy EDW Lynch has a Tumblr where he posts his Yelp reviews, written in the style of Cormac McCarthy. These are, by far, my favorite reviews of anything. Check out The Apple Store or this great one of Taco Bell:
And so the man defied the villagers and ate the taco. In defiance of the will of those people but also in defiance of some order older than he. Older than tortillas. Than the ancient and twisted cedars. How could we know his mind? We are all of us unknowable. Blind strangers passing on a mountain road.
The man laid there in the village square for three days and nights and took no food and spoke to no visitor. The older villagers said that the man should not have eaten the taco and no sane man would do so and the price of such folly was known to all.
On the fourth day an old lady asked the man was he ill and did he need a doctor. The man told her he was indeed ill but that he wished to see a priest. And she crossed herself and left and in the sweltering afternoon sun a priest came down to the square to see the man.