so my voting experience today was completely painless. no long waits, no confusing instructions, no badgering outside the polling place… then again, all i had to do was walk downstairs and across the street to the fire station and get my vote on. everyone was nice and efficient, although it was kinda funny when a fire truck backed into the station beeping… apart from the stupid punch machine (come on fool-proof electronic voting) i’d say it was a nice way to spend a tuesday evening. how’d you all fare? any horror stories?
oh, and btw, nice to see things go the dems way in illinois this evening. in case you didn’t know which way i was leaning, now you do. ha. i’ll be keeping my fingers crossed the rest of the night, too – and probably for the next few days at least…
i heard about this monday morning while on the way to the airport in palm beach, and it’s making its way across the news wires. hard to believe this sort of thing can happen at all, let alone in a state so under-the-microscope as florida is this election. way to go teresa lepore (who “gained notoriety as the creator of the infamous butterfly ballot that confused thousands of voters in the chaotic and controversial 2000 election”) – another brilliant way to get yourself some attention. read the full story here and prepare to be disgusted.
WEST PALM BEACH (ABC News Online) - A sheriff's deputy has tackled, punched and arrested a US journalist for taking pictures of people waiting in line to cast early ballots in West Palm Beach, local media has reported. A sheriff's spokesman said later the deputy was enforcing a new county rule prohibiting reporters from interviewing or photographing voters lined up outside the polls, The Palm Beach Post said. The incident happened on Sunday and the deputy tried to grab the camera of James Henry, a freelance journalist who has written for The New York Times and The Washington Post.
now, why would i say something crazy like that?!?! because green bay beat the washington redskins this fine sunday, thereby prophetizing kerry’s win on tuesday. i wasn’t expecting such a huge turnout in the press, but i guess i didn’t think they’d blow something completely out of proportion. oh wait…. :) so, as proof, here’s the article from reuters, published a couple hours ago:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Washington Redskins lost their final home football game before the U.S. presidential election on Sunday -- and that's great news for Democratic Sen. John Kerry and bad news for President Bush. In every presidential election since 1936, the Redskins' last home game has accurately predicted the winner. If they win, the incumbent president's party wins. If they lose, the challenger wins. The Redskins lost to Green Bay 28-14 and Kerry quickly celebrated. "I couldn't be more thrilled with the Packers win today," Kerry said in a statement. "The Packers have done their part, this Tuesday I'll do mine." The loss by the Redskins was made sweeter since it came to the Green Bay Packers of Green Bay, Wisconsin -- a swing state where Packer football is akin to religion and one Kerry might need to defeat Bush in Tuesday's voting.