Tradition. That’s what the yearly May Fest (okay, Maifest) and German Fest gatherings have become for us. Twice a year, we spend a Saturday afternoon drinking huge mugs of beer, eating sausages and sauerkraut, and listening to polka. Then, afterwards, we hit up Lincoln Square Lanes for some bowling, cocktails, and, if we’re lucky, more polka. It never disappoints.
We hit a new attendance record for this year’s May Fest, and even managed to squeeze in some Garcia’s mex afterwards. This past weekend, E was out of town, so Jeff & Lisa and I met up with Andreas & Marisa for German Fest’s daytime activities. Jett joined us for drunk bowling, which is at once easier and more difficult than sober bowling. Try it sometime.
I never posted my May Fest images, so I decided to combine them with my shots from German Fest. The May Fest 2012 images are a mix of 35mm (Nikon F100) and medium format (Contax 645), and were shot on Fuji 400H and Ilford XP2 (B&W). The German Fest 2012 ones are digital, and were processed with VSCO Film using the Fuji 800Z, and Kodak TRI-X 400++ presets.
Oh, and if you’re interested in the reliving fun from previous years, check out May Fest 2010 and May Fest 2011, too!
May Fest 2012

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