guess it had to happen at some point… it’s not the first snow of the season, but this one looks to be the first “real” accumulation we’ve had, with about 2-5 inches forecast. it’s only been falling for a few hours, and it looks like there’s already a couple inches out on my deck.
at least it gives me a chance to catch up on tivo, and maybe watch the “highlights” of the victoria’s secret show: you know, the ridiculous costumes and huge production value sets… in other words no seal, no spice girls, no stupid interviews, and most importantly no fake “behind-the-scenes” drama. that should boil it down to about 15 minutes of actual content!
elena and i went to detroit again this year to celebrate thanksgiving with her family out there. we had a great time, which of course was to be expected – hard not to enjoy yourself when you get that many greeks together! this year we skipped the black friday shopping in favor of a little culture, though, and went to check out the grand opening of the new DIA, or the detroit institute of arts.
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